Hoeflingers fight back against teen drunk driving in Elyria, Ohio

The Hoeflingers recently visited Elyria, Ohio and spoke to Elyria’s high school students about the after effects of underage drinking and driving. The entire interview can be found above, as well a snippet of the news article below.

“I think it’s worse today … a year and a half later than it was then,” Cindy Hoeflinger told WKYC Channel 3’s Hilary Golston. “I think in the beginning it’s just so overwhelming and so constant… after a year and a half and everybody’s lives go back to normal and you want that… you don’t want everybody looking at you and saying poor you… poor you… but you never forget.”

The Hoeflingers are asking Elyria Catholic High students to act, by signing a pledge that revolves around different aspects of this issue. The class that returns the highest percentage of pledges will receive a pizza party, courtesy of Romeo Pizza in Elyria.

Brian Hoeflinger has written a book about the ordeal and the family continues to speak out. For more information on the pledge, book and future speaking engagements head to the website BrianMatters.com.


Why be Afraid of Drug and Alcohol Testing our Youth?


Help stop underage drinking by changing the current Social Host Law